Saturday, May 28, 2011

we ALL did it! hooray!

Yesterday was our Grand Opening party for the studio. I can't think of just one reason why everything didn't get done in time, but it just seemed as if a ton of tiny things just overwhelmed us and there was simply not enough time in the day!

Thankfully the guests that arrived early were SO sweet and orchestrated helping out and getting the food table set up and helping with some light picking up around the studio.

Sadly, Billy was not even able to make it by 6 pm (when it started) because he was out grabbing ice and the cake! Because I absolutely needed his help for some things, we simply had to accept the fact that we weren't going to have the studio just the way we wanted it but you know what?

God is good! And everyone had a great time. It was so nice to see all the friendly faces of our clients, friends, and family!

I will do a more thorough update once we get some photos back from our lovely photographer and friends who took photos that night. I literally did not take one!

Just wanted to stop and say THANK YOU to everyone for their encouragement. On top of our lovely local guests, we had several guests from Chico, California and one guest that literally flew in from Southern California just to attend the opening. You all push us to be better in everything we do. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!

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